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Intraday Trading

Intraday trading is also called day trading. This means trading on the same day. It is the process of buying and selling stocks on the same day, within the trading hours.

In trading terms, it would mean that all positions are squared off at the time of the closing and there is no change in the ownership of the stock, due to this trade.

There is no bar to anyone from participating in Intraday trading. However, it is pertinent to understand the risks involved. Intraday trading is all about correct timing. Hence, you need to be glued to the screen to look for the exact time for a call or a put.

If you think you have the time to do that, go ahead. If you are into a day job and would occasionally want to take a peek, desist from intraday trading.

Since it is an intraday trade, look for stocks with high liquidity. Remember, you do not have time to make a grandstanding. The positions need to be traded off by the time the market closes.

Hence, it is always recommended that large-cap stocks need to be traded with.

Well for starters, it gives an insight into the fast pace trading world. Intraday trading is all about speed, precision mixed with pragmatism and patience. However, here are a few pointers that will tell you why Intraday trading is a beautiful thing to be a part of:

  • No other trade gives you as high a margin as Intraday trading
  • Because of the Higher margin, the return potential is high too
  • Almost every firm charge minimum brokerage charges to encourage intraday trading
  • For strategies to pay off, one does not need to play the long game.
CALL US@ (0281) 6102000

Compliance Officer Chirag Babulal Dedakia (0281)6102000

Prevent Unauthorised transactions in your account : Update your mobile numbers/Email IDs with your stock brokers. Receive information of your transactions directly from Exchange on your mobile/email at the end of the day


KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary.


No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorise your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account.


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Rajkot 360005 Gujarat

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SEBI Registration No:

NSE: INZ000293432
BSE: INZ000293432
DP : IN-DP-CDSL-156-2015
MCX: INZ000293432

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